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There are several instances on which Chat window is failed to load on ios and Android Both.

The intercom SDK used are as follow:

react-native wrapper : 3.0.4

android : 12.4.1

ios : 12.4.0


If anyone has faced same issue would love to hear what have you done to fix the same. Looking forward to hear.

Screenshot 2022-08-17 at 3.00.19 PMScreenshot 2022-08-17 at 3.00.04 PM

Hey @sudhir​ Racheal from the Support Engineer team 👋


Without seeing specific error codes, or user examples here, we typically see this happen on mobile when identity verification isn't properly implemented. Did you recently turn on identity verification for Android and iOS? If you're looking to roll out identity verification on mobile, your users need to have a version of your app that includes the user_hash when logging them in - otherwise, Intercom will reject them when the verification is enforced and they don't submit a hash.


You can change these settings through Settings >> Security >> Enforce identity on iOS/Android.


The link for Android is here 👈

The link for iOS is here 👈

Hi Rachel,

Thank you very much for your response. This is issue is intermittent in nature and hard to reproduce at smallcase end.

Yes we have enabled the identity verification on mobile for all of our user.

Let me check if we can get the logs form the users to look into the error code we are receiving. Given that the nature of this issues, enabling the logging mechanism on users phone a bit hurdle.


i have also found another article on the internet for such issue let me know you view on the same? if this could also be culprit?

"we trying to call Intercom function without first registering a user".>
