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I want to send email with attachment to customer. Conversation should be created, when email is sent.

I am using REST Api Message endpoint with flag create_conversation_without_contact_reply: true.

Everything works fine except I can’t add an attachment.

Is there any way how to add an attachment to message?

Hey ​@Liudvikas! Emily here from Support Engineering at Intercom 👋🏼

Currently, it is not possible to attach files directly to emails sent through the Intercom AP, but you can include a link to the file in the email if the file is hosted on a server. 

I will mark this to our team as a feature request however as I know this might not be the best workaround.

You can also check if this feature has been recorded on our Product Wishlist in our Community? You can search and upvote existing requests or create new requests 🙌 Check out the quick guide on how the Product Wishlist works here. Note that you must be logged into the Intercom Community to access the Wishlist. You can log in with SSO or log in as a guest at the top right of the page.

Hope this helps! 💪🏼
